Tuesday 26 February 2013

English. Why?

YEP. A new post, after a measly 30 minutes or so. Can't really digest what I've been learning so far. Cuz there's too much. I know I said I love biology, but not too that extent. Soo.. Might as well work on my assignment, which I'm enjoying at the moment haha. The wonders of blogging. So...the topic is English. What's English? Well for me, it has 2 meanings. One is the language, while the other is the people. that lives in England.
So what I'm writing about today is the language. Haha. In my opinion, English is very important. No matter what. Why? Cause it's a global language. Another reason? Most blockbusters, record-breaking movies are in English. Same applies to music. For me, English is not my mother tongue. That has always been Bahasa Sarawak (it's not your average Bahasa Malaysia). But English is my second mostly used language. Not Bahasa Malaysia(will be called BM henceforth). Truth is, I'm not really good in BM. Never has been, probably never will. I'm not saying I'm really good in English, it's just that I'm better at it than BM. Just look at my public examination results. Got A's for English in all 3 of my public examination (not showing off ok! its proof!). Where else BM..falls short. Why, you may ask? I grew up with English. Rather than BM. My cartoons are in English, books in English, basically almost everything. And went to school at St Joseph, which is an English based school. ( I think, correct me if I'm wrong).
Therefore, I look up to people with very good English skills. For example, a Malaysian youtuber (her name is Maria Elena), who is very funny. Her English is sooo fluent, and she doesn't even have that accent. I just really love her English. Mok jadi kdak nya. ( Example of Bahasa Sarawak, mind you).
So, what I am saying is, doesn't matter if you're good or bad, as long as you try to improve yourself, you'll get better. Because there is no end to learning. For example, I don't know my grammar. HAHA. If you ask me about grammar, sorry to say, I don't know it as well. Superlatives, pronouns, etc all makes no sense to me. The way I write is by rereading them, and then determine whether it sounds right or wrong. Yeahh, that ability, I got from watching too much TV shows, cartoons. Oh and from books, as well as.. ze internet! So I learnt from those, and still learning.
So, have confidence! Don't let other people's thought bring you down. YOU are your own judge. Others may judge you but that is up to them. Like from what I read somewhere-;

Big minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people.

Which I really agree. People will judge no matter what, heck I do too. But at least keep it to yourself.
And so we have strayed from the topic haha. Yes. English. Important. 

In the end, I'm not saying BM is not important. IT IS. Especially in this country of mine. I would go and try to make myself better at it, but the thing is.. I'm not in school anymore. I don't have a teacher to correct my mistakes. Even English, my last lesson was last semester. Including this semester, and another 2 to come, I don't have any English lessons. So for MUET, which I'll be taking next semester, I have to study on my own. With the help of TV's and internet and books. *wink* HAHA. In fact, I would love to study other languages, for example, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Korean, even Tamil. YES I would love to be a multi-lingual guy cuz I know it will help me somewhere in my life. My life-long GOAL. 

So yeah, long post. Suddenly got inspiration. Wish that would happen more often har har. Yeah ok time to sleep bubbye. Its realllyyyyy earllyyyyy. Not really. LATE. GOODNIGHT.

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