Wednesday 27 February 2013

No title. Why? Who caressss. But it's actually "My favorite past time"

TODAY WAS LOOONNGGGG DAY. Started officially at 8 in the morning and just got home an hour ago. Seriously. More than 12 hours at campus. Sighhh. Student's life. And half of the time I was trying to stay awake even though I took my daily dose of caffeine. Seriously, the only coffee that really works on me is the coffee they serve at McDonald's in the morning. That thing's powerful. Well, on the bright side, Biology test was ok. Doesn't mean I'm gonna get an A though. Just that it went better than physics. Ok, I'm done ranting.

So.. Favorite thing to do when I have a lot of time to pass? Just the usual..Playing games, reading books, watching television shows. sleeping, eating, the normal stuff. Right now I'm currently hooked on playing the game I talked about on my first entry. Yes. DRAGON NEST. It's basically an MMORPG, but it's not your usual turn-based RPG. It's action RPG. Like, umm, Kingdom Hearts-Birth By Sleep in the PSP. Yeah the play style is very similar with the skills and cooldowns. Yeah, oh and the Dissidia for the PSP is really good as well. Including 012 cause there's Yuna in it. And she can summon, so bitches can go die in the Farplane. Oh, game reference. I'm sure most of you guys wouldn't know about it. pshhh. Booooringgg. Haha ok.

The Gameplay of Dragon Nest
Dissidia 012 heroes/heroines

For books, I wrote about what I am reading now, but my favourite book(or rather books) is The Hunger Games Trilogy. I KNOW, some people says it's a rip off of Battle Royale. But in my opinion, I think the 'put the children in an arena and let them kill each other' idea makes much more sense in The Hunger Games. Why? Because it all fits, with the Capitol taking control and the evil president and all. But I don't wanna spoil it to you guys who have not read the book. YES READ THE BOOK NOT WATCH THE MOVIE. The movie...pales in comparison to the book. If you watch the movie, half of the time, it won't make sense to you. Oh, and about Battle Royale...I've never even read the book. HAHAHA. So I guess it isn't really fair to compare. Because it'll be biased. Howeverr... Jennifer Lawrence, who played Katniss(that's the heroine) in the movie, really, really potrays the character well.'s Jennifer Lawrence. Who doesn't love Jennifer Lawrence?

Katniss Everdeen potrayed by Jennifer Lawrence

So yeah, other than The Hunger Games, other series would be the Percy Jackson series. Why? Greek history, or rather Greek Mythology has always intrigued me. So if you ask me, "who are the 13 Olympians", yes I would know all of them. Greek Mythology, is closely related with Roman Mythology, so indirectly I would know them as well. BUT... Roman Mythology is more closely related with the army, the Roman Empire. ( Well I really have no idea) but reading from the books, it's somehow like that with their systems of Praetors, Cohorts, Centurions, Senators etc.

And I'm currently waiting for the latest, which is due out this year September. The House of Hades, I think.

For TV shows, I watch a lot. So maybe the next post cause I have to get on with my physics Lab report. Lots of work to do gahhh. 

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