Monday 25 February 2013


Yeah time for an introduction. I'm sitting here probably because I'm supposed to be studying for a physics test I'm having tomorrow (technically today) but instead here I am doing this. YES I am procrastinatinggg. I should be studyinggg. Not blogging. Oh wells.. For the sake of assignment. Haha. K. My intro?

My name is Mohamad Shahrin. From Kuching, Sarawak. Obviously a guy. Looks as good as the display picture on the right har har. Nah just kidding.. I look much better. Went to St. Joseph primary and secondary. And for you guys who don't know, it's an all-boys school. I used to have some issues with girls. Very umm...malu. Ha ha. I still do I think. But I'm all right once I know them. So what else? 20 this year. Omagahhhh twentyyyyy. No more 1 in the front. Just a BIG NUMBER 2. Oh well, 1 year wiser? Am I right? Tell me I'm right... Oh and I'm currently studying in UiTM Samarahan. Taking Diploma in Science. I guess it makes sense to study computer science since I am a Science student. Or is it?!

Back to topic..umm. What else is there. What am I going to be? Hmm maybe a dad? Haha yes. I would love a baby but now's not the right time. Maybe in 5 years time? HEHE. ok so enough of that. I'm not sure what I'll be. I'm not even sure what I'll be taking for my degree. Not thinking about that now. Should be thinking bout physics. Cuz I have a test. Tomorrow. Yep should go.

P/S : Oh yeah. I'm kidding about looking better than the guy on the display picture. The fact is I don't know how I look in the eyes of others. So I leave it to all of you to decide k. Heres a picture.

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